Simulate VAT monthly report in Israel
One of the most painful issues in VAT monthly online reporting process is that you are able to see the error logs (from the VAT report and from the simulator in Israel Tax Authority web site) only at the end of the process.
In this stage, the vat lines are already marked and it is very complicated to reverse the time stamp and a lot of time needed to correct these errors.
Although trying to make as many checks in the first step, still errors are found in the file created.
Recently SAP issued a note that adds a new functionality (with few prerequisite steps needed) to t-code /ATL/PCN874 which allows the users to run the vat online report process in simulation mode. In this way the users can do all checks prior to update run of t-code S_ALR_87012357 and fix all the relevant issues.
Based on our experience, customers who implemented this solution minimize the time spent on this monthly activity.
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